In these troubling, ever-changing yet stagnant times, many of us have experienced many transitions and losses, including the loss of what once was our normal way of life. Most people associate Loss and Grief only with major losses in life. But, Loss and Grief are experienced in Life Transitions, as well. In this inspirational webinar, Dr. Leticia Ximénez combines psychology, spirituality, and science to explore the Loss and Grief process experienced during Life Transitions and the benefit and power of starting again, not over. She offers actionable change strategies on how to Start Again, Not Over, to turn Loss and Grief to Loss and Gain, and successfully move through life transitions, overcome their challenges and take advantage of the opportunities they bring with them. In this engaging presentation, Dr. Ximénez will teach you how to awaken and empower your True Authentic Self and reclaim your voice and resilience through loss and transition so you can live the life you want to live.

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