By Maria Celeste Garcia – During these challenging times, uniting against racism and discrimination is crucial. Whittier Counseling Center believes that racism and discrimination are social ills that affect the mental health and the quality of life of individuals. For this reason, we are committed to anti-racism, and we pledge to create alliances with those marginalized by racial discrimination. We invite you to do the same.

What does it mean to be an ally?

  • People can be an ally in different ways that do not involve going to protests or donating money. Though showing up in-person to protests can help build up the movement, some folks may have disabilities or responsibilities (e.g., caretakers) which make it harder to be in the “front lines.”
  • Allyship has more to do with how you live your life on a day to day basis.
  • Educating yourself, listening to leaders of the Black Lives Matter movement, speaking out against microaggressions made by family members and friends are all different ways you can be an ally while continuing your everyday life.
  • Being an ally also means being aware of your privilege and using it to help those marginalized.
  • It’s okay to make mistakes and learn from them!
  • Taking in constructive criticism and growing from a mistake is acceptable and normal. You’re not going to be perfect, and mistakes will happen along the way. This is not going to be an overnight transformation.
  • Social unrest may seem overwhelming! That is okay; taking your time with these things is understandable. Just be aware that some people, specifically BIPOC (black, indigenous, people of color) have lived through this for most of their lives and deal with these injustices on a daily basis.

Do not forget to rest and recuperate. Below are some ideas on how to engage in self-care.

  • Meditate and engage in mindfulness.
  • Be in the moment and take it all in. This can help ground you and remind you why you are a part of this movement.
  • Limit screen use (e.g., phones, tablets, and  laptops)
  • Though this may be difficult, try not to get sucked into the endless stream of news online. It’s important to stay informed, but overconsumption can lead to burnout.
  • Watching your favorite shows, listening to music, exercising, and writing down your feelings are a few examples of self-care. Self-care can look like anything that positively helps your mental, physical, or emotional health.