By Luis Orozco, LCSW –

According to a study published by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration (SAMHSA), in the United States around 23.5 million people received treatment aimed at solving a substance abuse problem. As shown in this statistic addictions are a real struggle that many people face. Below, you can find 10 reasons why people fall into this trap.

Curiosity – Many people feel curious about the effects of drugs and alcohol. Curiosity leads them to try substances which frequently opens the door to the development of an addiction.

Boredom – Boredom is a major reason why people start taking drugs and alcohol. Unemployment or failure to keep one’s mind stimulated may lead people to take an easy way out of their monotony.

Ignorance – Many people simply don’t know how harmful addictions can be, or they naively believe they’re immune to them. For this reason, it’s easy for them to start taking drugs or alcohol without taking into account the possible consequences.

Stress – Stress may lead a person to search for relaxation techniques. Unfortunately, instead of delving into healthy relaxation methods, such as physical exercise or spirituality, they turn to drugs or alcohol.

Fatigue – Many people feel exhausted and use substances to increase energy and improve their physical performance.

Appearances – Unfortunately, drugs and alcohol have been glorified by the entertainment industry. Many people looking to resemble the icons shown in mass media turn to substances.

Avoidance – Alcohol and drugs are substances frequently used to avoid everyday problems, such as relationship issues or financial problems.

Mental Illness – People suffering from mental disorders, such as Depression, Anxiety or Bipolar Disorder, resort to drugs and alcohol as a form of self-medication or to relieve their symptoms.

Pain – Similar to people who suffer from mental disorders, those experiencing physical discomfort may also take drugs and alcohol to deaden the pain caused by their condition.

Addiction – Taking drugs or alcohol may turn into an addiction. Addictions develop a psychological and physical dependency on substances, leading to a dangerous obsession and an overuse that may result in death.