In today’s fast-paced and demanding world the connection between mental health and financial wellness has emerged as a critical aspect of overall well-being. Financial stress is a leading cause of anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues. The constant worry about bills, debts, and financial instability can take a toll on our mental well-being, leading to decreased productivity, poor decision-making, and strained relationships. Conversely, individuals struggling with mental health challenges may face financial consequences. The inability to maintain steady employment, increased medical expenses, and impaired decision-making abilities can often lead to financial difficulties, exacerbating the stress and burden on their mental health.

Creating a healthy balance between our mental health and finances is possible. Implementing self-care, seeking therapy, and practicing stress-management techniques can have a positive impact on our mental health. Simultaneously, effective strategies such as budgeting, saving, and seeking financial advice can alleviate some of the stress associated with financial concerns.

By addressing both aspects simultaneously, we can strive towards a healthier and more balanced life. Remember, seeking support, both professionally and personally, is a sign of strength and an investment in our long-term well-being. Let us prioritize our mental health and financial stability for a brighter future.

Below is a link to a Facebook webinar hosted by AARP where I discussed financial strategies that can lead to financial and mental health stability.

Link to Webinar

If you or a loved one are experiencing a difficult situation and you want to schedule an appointment with a mental health professional, you can contact Whittier Counseling Center at (562) 907-7466. You can also visit our website at